🌟 Let's make 2024 the best Kolo Festival Ever! 🌟

With growing festival attendance & community support, we are excited to return to the iconic Russian Center in San Francisco! With 3 dance rooms, more teachers, and a greater variety of bands, please help us create an unforgettable experience! 🎵💃🕺

But we need your help to make it happen. The Russian Center is more expensive, and we need to raise $10,000 by June 30 to secure it. Your generosity has always fueled our community, and now we're asking for your support again.❤️

Donate today and help us bring Kolo Festival back to where we can grow and thrive!

Please help us make this year the success all of us would like it to be!

Mark your calendars:📅 November 29-30, 2024 📍 Kolo Festival, San Francisco

Together, we can create the biggest and best Kolo Festival yet!🎉#KoloFestival2024 #DanceCommunity #SanFranciscoEvents #Folkdance #Folkmusic

2024 will be our 73rd Kolo Festival!

Looking for previous year's teachers, schedules, or materials? Check out the Archive Years in the top menu.